Rabu, 26 September 2012




Anthropology Anthropology = derived from the Greek word άνθρωπος (read: anthropos), which means "man" or "person," and logos meaning "discourse" (in the sense of "reason", "rational"). Anthropologists study humans as biological beings as well as social creatures.
Anthropological science in the study of human society, behavior and culturally to build communities. Object of anthropology is a community of people within tribes, kebudyaan, and behavior.
Antpologi is a branch of social science that studies the culture of a particular ethnic group.
Anthropology is all about people, and is the responsibility of anthropology to explain all the stories about the people, in terms of good and bad in terms of. Anthropology, not only in some groups of people but includes all men, not just from one aspect but from all aspects.


William A. Havilland : Anthropology is the study of human beings, trying to formulate useful generalizations about people and their behavior and to obtain a complete understanding of human diversity.
David Hunter : anthropology is a science born of infinite curiosity about human beings.
Koentjaraningrat : Anthropology is the study of mankind in general by studying a variety of colors, the physical form of society and culture are produced.
Ralfh L Beals and Harry Hoijen : Anthropology is a science of man and all the work that what he was doing.
M.J. Herskovits : Anthropology is the study of humans. Anthropology is the science of man.


First Phase (Before 1800)
In this phase, the existing indigenous communities in Asia, Africa, and America began to be visited by Europeans since the end of the 15th century. at that time began to accumulate a large set of books travel stories, reports, and so on are written by the travelers, priests, sailors, or government employees. Description of the materials were then referred to as ethnography, or a description of the nations. The contents of the descriptions that seem odd in the eyes of Europe, but it is very attract the educated in Western Europe in the 18th century. in pandan Europeans, raised three kinds of attitudes, namely:
Some Europeans think that indigenous peoples are wild man, derivatives devil, and so on. Which raised the term savages and primitives, term for indigenous people in Asia, Africa, and America.
Some Europeans think that a man of the soil of Asia, Africa, and America was an example of pure human is someone, who has not conceded incitement crimes and vices that have occurred in Europe.
Some Europeans are interested in indigenous customs are strange, and began collecting cultural objects from primitive tribes such. Set was then collected into one and shown to the public (museum).
Second Phase  (mid 19th century)
When about the year 1860 there are some essays that classify materials about various cultures of the world in various levels of evolution, anthropology was born. Academic science. Studied primitive societies and cultures in order to gain an understanding of the ancient levels in history and the history of human culture on earth.
Third phase (beginning of the 20th century)
In this phase, the science of anthropology is very important. The Europeans learn the culture tribes outside of Europe for the purpose of colonial government and to gain an understanding of today's complex society.
Fourth phase (after 1930)
Anthropology experienced the most extensive development of both the increasing knowledge of the material much more thoroughly, and the sharpness of scientific methods. Subject or target of the anthropologists no longer only primitive tribes that exist outside of the European continent, but also in rural areas in general, from the point of physical anekawarna, society, and culture.


In the book "Anntropology", William A. Haviland (1985:12) discusses anthropological outline consists of four branches:
1. Physical Anthropology
Physical anthropology (physical anthropology) is part of anthropology that focuses attention on the human biological organisms evolved and started to be determined how and why different nations according to their physical condition. One concern is the physical anthropology of human evolution (Haviland, and Ihromi 1985:12, 1994:5). Two questions were striking physical antropolohgi branch are:
a. On the emergence of humans, and their aftermath (human paleontology)
b. About how and why humans today are biologically different (human variety)

2. Antropogi Culture (Archaeology, Linguistics and Ethnology).
Of the four parts of the Haviland then translate it into different sections which include; Evolutionary Biology Mankind, Uma Human Cultural Evolution, and Culture with all sorts of aspects such as communication, parenting, poa pengidupan, economic system, marriage and family, kinship and descent, political organization and social control, religion, art, and culture change.
Includes cultural anthropology ethnology, linguistics, and archeology. Which three are directly related to human culture. Discussed the following items:
a. Ethnology
Alternatively known as ethnology. Ethnology by Haviland (1985:17) is a branch of cultural anthropology that focuses on the cultures of today. Sub-discipline is more specialized to human behavior as can be witnessed, experienced, and didiskusikannya with people who want to understand kebudayaannnya. Meanwhile, according to Ihromi (1994:10) argues that a ethnologist trying to understand how the difference of the way of thinking and policies that have been membaku the people present and the past, and to understand the causes of the differences. In other words ethnological study patterns of behavior such as marriage customs, kinship structure, political system and economy, religion, folklore, art and music.
And how the differences between the pattern-pla it in a variety of communities. Besides ethnology also study the dynamics of culture and other cultures influence each other as well as the interaction between different beliefs and ways to implement in a culture and its influence on personality.
b. Linguistics
Linguistics is the study of languages. As a science, the science of the language is a bit older than anthropology. Both disciplines are being very closely related, because when the anthropologists doing fieldwork, they requested assistance experts to learn the language of primitive languages. There are differences between the linguistic experts with experts other languages. Linguistic experts are more interested in the history and structure of the languages ​​that are not written. The focus of analysis techniques and thus require more research than welding type used by other linguists.
Further linguistic experts are also interested in studying the emergence of language during the past and also the variation in the present language, so it can be said that linguistic anthropologists study the emergence of language and how the variations in these languages ​​over a period of centuries. When anthropological linguists interested on how the differences in the languages ​​now, especially with respect to the construction and how to use them, then later developed branch of descriptive language. In detail, knowledge of the language construct called structural linguistics and the study of how language is used in everyday dialect called sosialinguistik or etnolinguistik.
c. Archeology
Archaeology according Havilland (1985:14) is the branch of anthropology that studies cultural objects in order to describe and explain human behavior. Most of the attention focused on the past, because what is left in the past often only objects rather than ideas. Archeologists study tools, pottery, and other relics that are durable, which still exists as a legacy of an extinct culture. Or in other words according to Ihromi (1994:7) tried to construct and reconstruct the way of daily life and customs of the peoples of prehistoric times, and track changes in the culture and submit extensive details about the possible cause of the change in culture.
Principal attention with historians, archaeologists searching just past away, because the only study of cultural historians who have written records and just limit myself to the last 5,000 years.

Biological anthropology, also called physical anthropology (physical anthropology) is a branch of anthropology that, in the context of primates in general, specifically examined the development of the human species. Biological Anthropology includes other research about the biological and cultural diversity of the human, human evolution, and comparing anatomy, behavior, history and ecology of primates in the past and present. Biological Anthropology particularly examining fossil evidence and development.
a) Physical Anthropology
1. Paleontology, which is the study of human origins and human evolution by examining fossil
2. Somatology, namely the study of the diversity of the human race by a physical characteristic.
2. Cultural anthropology
a. Prehistori, namely the study of the history of the spread and development of human culture on paper
b. Etnolinguistik antrologi, namely the study of the tribes of the world
c. Ethnology, the science of learning the principles of human culture in the lives of tribal people in the world
d. Etnopsikologi, which is studying the role of individual personality seta nation to nation in the process of change in indigenous customs and universal values ​​by adhering to the concept of psychology.
e. Anthropology Specialization, it develops because of changes in society that demands Anthropology approach demography, education Anthropology, Urban Anthropology, Anthropology rural, legal Anthropology, Anthropology of Health. In this case many of the problems that actually can be resolved if the approach used is Anthropology. For example, to socialize midwife / doctor isolated kedaerah still believe in shamans. The government can not simply sending midwife / doctor to the area and asked the people to seek treatment to them and no longer to the shaman. But with the approach of cultural anthropology, it is becoming easier because the bias is not forced to change suddenly.
f. Applied Anthropology, is a branch of anthropology that has not long been known that appear to address challenges of the times. Applied Anthropology was held to be directly applied to suit the circumstances. For example: military forces in the region assigned to the conflict, they need to be equipped with a direct bias applied anthropology in conflict areas so that they entailed a mission that can be accomplished. History records that violence can not be defeated by force. By knowing and knowing how society and culture of the area of ​​conflict, the peace will be realized.

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